Course curriculum

    1. Introduction To This Course By The Instructor

    2. How to use this course

    1. Excerpt From Intro Masterclass

    2. Lesson 1: Understanding the Quantum Field

    3. Lesson 2: The Power of Quantum Living

    4. Mirror Neurons - Quantum Capacity Through Observation

    5. Are Plants Conscious? - Quantum Interconnectedness

    6. New Quantum Class 1A Recording

    7. New Quantum Class 1B Recording

    1. Lesson 1: Law of Attraction

    2. Celebrity Talk - How To Create

    3. Bully A Plant - Your Words Are Affecting The World

    4. Lesson 2: Engaging The Heart

    5. Lesson 3: The Power of Visualization

    6. The Navajo Beauty Prayer

    7. Live! Class 2 Recording (part 1 of 3)

    1. Part 2 of 3 Live! Class 2 Recording

    2. Lesson 1: Creating a Quantum Mindset In a Quantum Universe

    3. Lesson 2: Quantum Manifestation Practices

    4. Lesson 3: Daily Practices for Quantum Living

    1. Part 3 of 3 Live! Class 2 Recording

    2. Major Terms of The Quantum Field

    3. The Importance of The Quantum Field

    4. Consciously Engaging In The Quantum Field

    5. Final Class Recording

    1. Can You Celebrate This Truth?

About this course

  • $149.00
  • 26 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content