Course curriculum

    1. Welcome To A Time For Love For Christian Singles

    2. Intro To Girl Talk & Lesson #1 On Love

    3. Books List

    1. Audio of The Strangest Secret

    2. FINDING YOU: What Happened When I Found Me

    3. Re-gaining Authority Over Your Life

    4. A Simple Contemplation Of Thought

    5. Why I Do This Work

    6. Soulmate! The 7 Critical Steps To Success In Love (part 1, 2 & 3)

    7. Prelude to 5X5 Success Matrix

    8. What Was I Thinking Quiz?

    9. Time to check in!

    1. Eat The Frog!

    2. Raise Your Game In The Next 24 Hours


    4. Scriptural Proof - Soulmate Attraction (Part 1 of 3)

    5. Creation In Its Simplest Terms

    6. Imagination - My 5X5 Success Matrix

    7. Check-in #2

    1. Prelude to Reclaiming Power!

    2. 10 Minutes to Start Your Day Right! - MORNING MOTIVATION Motivational Speech 2020

    1. Prelude To Alignment

    2. Why we must fight for it all

    1. We Choose The Moon Speech!

About this course

  • $4,995.00
  • 27 lessons
  • 8 hours of video content